666 – O número da besta

Hoje, dia 6/6/6, encontrei esse artigo curioso com alguns fatos envolvendo o suposto “número da besta”. Interessante que o primeiro micro da Apple era vendido por US$ 666.66 😉
Se a “besta” em questão se referir ao animal “jumentífero”, provavelmente o Brasil é o país que tem atualmente mais “bestas” circulando por aí, pelo menos na visão dos políticos, que consideram e fazem questão de nos lembrar diariamente o quão “bestas” estamos sendo, aceitando toda a falcatrua que rola no país com um sorriso na cara, ansiosos pelo primeiro jogo do Brasil na copa! Bom… menos eu, que não gosto de futebol.

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DevCo aceitando sugestões

A “DevCo” (nome temporário da nova empresa que assumirá a linha de IDE da Borland) abriu alguns emails para aceitar sugestões dos usuários (um bom sinal), conforme pode ser visto aqui.

Acabo de fazer a minha parte, enviando 10 sugestões sobre tudo que eu acho que está errado e precisa ser melhorado. Abaixo está uma cópia do email enviado:


I’m the president of DUG-BR (Delphi Users Group Brasil) and I would
like to give some suggestions, specially regarding Delphi:

1) DevCo needs to bring back quality and “trust” to Delphi. D8 and D2005 were “shame” releases. D2006 is much better, but most people are still stuck in Delphi 7.

2) Price – PLEASE, you need to drop Delphi prices a lot, or people will keep moving to MS tools. Currently prices are not for real.

3) Currently market is suffering with the lack of new Delphi books. Pay some authors to write good books or documentation about the new Delphi versions, and even distribute it as free ebooks, translated to the languages of the countries with major installed communities.

4) Don’t forget that there is still a huge Win32 market out there! Focusing new features just in .Net is not a good thing to do, since most people still uses Delphi to develop win32 software, and I assume this will not change very soon, and MS totally forgot Win32 market, so it is a place where DevCo can easily win.

5) Firebird – Borland always had a bad relation with Firebird, but 65% of the Firebird users are also Delphi users, so DevCo should consider Firebird as a friend, not as an enemy, and start officialy supporting it in dbExpress, IBX and BDP.

6) Marketing – Delphi suffered with BAD marketing for many years (I would say, the whole life). This need to be “fixed” asap.

7) Partnerships – DevCo should do partnerships with Universities, offering FREE versions of its tools to be used inside the university by the students. I know about a very big university in Brazil that recently dropped Delphi in favour of MS and Java 🙁

8) Discounts and good price policy – I know several companies that are moving/moved to MS tools because Borland was not able to give real discounts over license prices, for quantities like 20-25 licenses! This is a shame! Borland prefers to loose customers than giving discounts! Microsoft was there and offered a lot more, not only discount, but support and training.

9) Support local groups – User groups making conferences and events needs more support from DevCo. I mean: money, speakers, prizes to be drawn, spreading help, facilities, etc.

10) Currently HELP sucks, with examples just in C#. This need to fixed. We need good quality help files back!

That’s it. I hope someone read this and accept at last some of the suggestions 😉


Carlos (Membro do TeamFB – FireBase)
WarmBoot Informatica – http://www.warmboot.com.br
FireBase – http://www.FireBase.com.br

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